2. Set up

  1. Fill in the registration form on the eID Easy websiteopen in new window.
  2. You will then be contacted by eID Easy support to confirm your registration and receive access to the self-service portal.
  3. In the self-service portal, navigate to My Webpagesopen in new window and click "Register new webpage"
  4. Enter your website home page address (the exact address doesn't really matter here, it is just useful to remember which credentials are used for which app/website) and redirect_uri value. redirect_uri is the public URL of your Nextcloud instance.
  5. Make a note of your site’s client_id and secret. You’ll need these in the next steps.
  6. In Nextcloud, on the blue top-bar, click on your profile picture. A dropdown menu opens, click on "Administration settings". admin settings screenshot
  7. In the left sidebar, click on "Electronic signatures".
  8. Copy the client_id and secret to the corresponding fields in the Nextcloud Electronic Signatures app settings and click "Save" for both fields. eideasy client id and secret screenshotcredentials in nextcloud screenshot
  9. Done! You can now start signing documents.
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