eID Easy authentication page flow

When a user begins authentication:

1. Redirect the user to eID Easy authorize endpoint.

URL: https://id.eideasy.com/oauth/authorize

Required query parameters:

client_id – client_id value that you got when registering the website

redirect_uri – you set this value when you registered your website in My Webpagesopen in new window

response_type – this is always code.

Optional query parameters:

lang – language of the user. Use 2-letter codes: (ISO 639-1open in new window)

start – user’s selected method code. If specified, authentication will begin with this method, user will not be asked to select authentication method. See available method codes.

phone – Mobile-ID mobile number prefill

idcode – Smart-ID and Mobile-ID number prefill

country – Smart-ID country preselect EE, LT or LV

lang_selectortrue|false determines whether the language selector is shown or not

cancel_buttontrue|false determines whether the cancel button is shown or not

allow_method_changetrue|false if set to false, then the user can only use the method provided with the start param. Note! if allow_method_change is set to false, then start and country params are mandatory.

Example: https://id.eideasy.com/oauth/authorize?client_id=pM...m5&redirect_uri=https://your-site.com/login&response_type=code

2. User will go through the authentication flow on our login page. Don’t worry, we’ll send them back.

3. After authentication, user is redirected to your redirect_uri. e.g https://your-site.com/login?code=j93jd0qk. Notice you received a query param named code. We’ll use this in the next step.

4. Make a POST request eID Easy server to ask for access token.

URL: https://id.eideasy.com/oauth/access_token

Required body parameters:

client_id – client_id value that you got when registering the website

client_secret – secret value that you got when registering the website

redirect_uri – redirect_uri value that you entered when registering the website

code – code value that was set when redirecting user back from authorization endpoint

grant_type – this is always authorization_code.

Example body: code=fy...36&grant_type=authorization_code&client_id=r1...oo&client_secret=Iu...ch&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Fexample.com%2Flogin.

Make sure that headers contain Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded.

Example response: {"access_token":"yF...zc","token_type":"Bearer","expires_in":3600}

You’ll need the access_token value in the next step.

5. Make a GET request to eID server to ask for user details.

URL: https://id.eideasy.com/api/v2/user_data

Add the access_tokenvalue to the HTTP Authorization request headeropen in new window.

Example response:

  "status": "OK",
  "idcode": "38112086027",
  "lastname": "Pala",
  "firstname": "Margus",
  "current_login_method": "ee-id-login",
  "birth_date": "1981-12-08",
  "country": "EE",
  "current_login_info": {
    "valid_from": "2017-11-08T07:49:13+00:00",
    "valid_to": "2022-10-12T20:59:59+00:00"

Job well done!

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