Test Environment

You may have noticed that in our docs and api referenceopen in new window all the URLs start with https://id.eideasy.com/

Replace it with https://test.eideasy.com/ to make requests against our test server. In test environment, all actions are free of cost.

Test environment API credentials

API credentials are required in order to make requests to eID Easy API. In simple terms, API credentials are unique identifiers that you need to send along when making requests to an API. In our case, these unique credentials are the client_id and secret.

So, how can you obtain the client_id and secret? Well, it’s quite simple, just follow the steps below:

  1. Head over to test environment's sign-up page at https://test.eideasy.com/open in new window and click on the "E-mail/password" button to sign up.
  2. Navigate to My Webpagesopen in new window and click "Register new webpage"
  3. Enter your website home page address (the exact address doesn't really matter here, it is just useful to remember which credentials are used for which app/website) and redirect_uri value. redirect_uri is the URI to which you wish to redirect the user after they've completed the authentication or signing process.
  4. Make a note of your site’s client_id and secret. You’ll need these when making requests to eID Easy's API.


Do not use any sensitive documents or data when making requests in test environment.

Sandbox Test environments credentials

We recommend you to create your own unique credentials when making requests to our API so that you can configure proper webhook, redirect urls, available methods, etc. However, you may have a reason to want to try it out quickly using our public credentials. Use the following OAuth2 credentials:

Client ID: 2IaeiZXbcKzlP1KvjZH9ghty2IJKM8Lg
Secret: 56RkLgZREDi1H0HZAvzOSAVlxu1Flx41

Electronic identities in test environment

Real world electronic identities will not work in the test environment. However, a number of identity providers also have test identities available which can be used to authenticate and sign. These are some of them:

MethodTest Identities
Estonian and Lithuanian Mobile IdSee this page for details.
Smart-IdSee this page for details.
Estonian test ID-card (or any other supported country)See this page for details.
D-Trust sign-meSee this page for details.
A-Trust (Handy-Signatur)See this page for details.
Finnish Trust Network (FTN)See this page for details.
iDINSee this page for details.
FrejaIDContact support@eideasy.com and request test accounts for specific users.
ZealIDSee this page for details.
EvrotrustContact support@eideasy.com and request test accounts for specific users.
eDO AppSee this page for details.
PL mojeIDSee this page for details.
GoogleSee this page for details.
MitIDSee this page for details.
Norwegian BankIDSee this page for details.
VerifaiSee this page for details.
Certeurope USBTest card can be bought from us or from hereopen in new window
CertSign USBTest card can be bought from us or from hereopen in new window
eParaksts mobileOrder test ID card, whitelist API and install the app
OR implement and test other methods like SmartID
eParaksts smart cardCan not be tested without real ID-card.
Implement and test other methods like SmartID
ItsMeSee this page for details.
EvrotrustSee this page for details.
Swedish BankIDSee this page for details.
SwisscomSee this page for details.
OneIDSee this page for details.
HaricaSee this page for details.
VeriffSee this page for details.
Last Updated: